New diagnostic and therapeutic advances in cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) represent the main cause of mortality in developed countries. The prevalence and incidence of CVD is increasing. There is a huge variety of new cardiovascular drugs that are targeted at dyslipidaemia, arterial and venous thrombosis and diabetes, and they can change the natural history of CVDs.
Age is a major determinant of arterial and venous results. Normal clinical practice within the general framework, however, reveals the disproportionately low use of cardiovascular medicine and intensive treatment in elderly patients, who may actually benefit from using them. On the other hand, there is probably an excessive use of these drugs in patients with cognitive deficit and short life expectancy. There is not enough information on cardiovascular therapies in very old patients with multiple comorbidities/diseases.
This group’s aim is:
- Researching the efficacy of new cardiovascular treatments in different fields.
- Evaluating the risks and benefits of antithrombotic treatment in elderly patients with venous thromboembolic disease and atrial fibrillation.
- Describing the natural history of CVD in very old patients (over the age of 90).
Team members
![]() Group leader: Carmen Suárez Fernández Hospital Universitario La Princesa |
Other team members. Hospital Universitario La Princesa:
Suarez Fernández, Carmen. ITEMAS: Platform for Innovation in Medical and Healthcare Technologies. PT13/0006/0016. ISCIII. 2014-2017.
Moldenhauer Diaz, Fernando. Estudio clínico, neuroanatomico y funcional mediante técnicas de neuroimagen en adultos con SD y sin demencia: patrones predictivos para el desarrollo de demencia. PI12/01695. ISCIII. 2013-2015.
Arco Galán, Carmen del. Diseño y validación de un modelo predictivo de resultados adversos a corto plazo en los ancianos dados de alta de los servicios de urgencias hospitalarios. PI17/01624. ISCIII. 2018-2020.
Diseño y validación de una escala de puntuación para la predicción de sufrir un evento adverso a 30 y 180 días en los pacientes ancianos dados de alta directamente desde los Servicios de Urgencias Hospitalarios.
This grant is funded by the 2013-2016 Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Research Plan and the ISCIII – Subdirectorate General for Evaluation and Promotion of Research – and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020 according to Regulation (EU) no. 1303/2013.
Moldenhauer Diaz, Fernando. Estudio del sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona y su relación con la ausencia de aterosclerosis en adultos con Síndrome de Down. Fundación Española de Medicina Interna. 2017-2020.
Moldenhauer Diaz, Fernando. Study of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and its relation to the absence of atherosclerosis in adults with Down Syndrome. The Jerome Lejeune Foundation. 2017-2020.
Pladevall M, Brotons C, Gabriel R, Arnau A, Suarez C, de la Figuera M, Marquez E, Coca A, Sobrino J, Divine G, Heisler M, Williams LK; Writing Committee on behalf of the COM99 Study Group. Multicenter cluster-randomized trial of a multifactorial intervention to improve antihypertensive medication adherence and blood pressure control among patients at high cardiovascular risk (the COM99 study). Circulation 2010. 122: 1183-1191. FI: 14,432(Q1). PMID: 20823391. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.892778.
Mostaza, Jose M., Manzano, Luis, Suarez, Carmen, Fernandez, Cristina, Garcia de Enterria, Maria M., Tiradoe, Raimundo, Nicolas, Francisco, Sanchez-Zamorano, Miguel A., MERITO-II Study Grp. Different prognostic value of silent peripheral artery disease in type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic subjects with stable cardiovascular disease. ATHEROSCLEROSIS 2011. 214: 191-195. FI: 3.794(Q1). PMID: 21075374. DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2010.10.020.
Moreno-Palanco, Miguel A., Ibanez-Sanz, Patricia, Ciria-de Pablo, Cristina, Pizarro-Portillo, Alberto, Rodriguez-Salyanes, Francisco, Suarez-Fernandez, Carmen. Impact of Comprehensive and Intensive Treatment of Risk Factors Concerning Cardiovascular Mortality in Secondary Prevention: MIRVAS Study. Rev. Esp. Cardiol. 2011. 64: 179-185. FI: 2.530(Q2). PMID: 21330034. DOI: 10.1016/j.recesp.2010.07.009.
Oliveras A, Armario P, Martell-Clarós N, Ruilope LM, de la Sierra A, Spanish Society of Hypertension-Resistant Hypertension Registry. Urinary Albumin Excretion Is Associated With Nocturnal Systolic Blood Pressure in Resistant Hypertensives. Hypertension 2011. 57: 556-373. FI: 6.207(Q1). PMID: 21220713. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.165563.
Oliveras A, García-Ortiz L, Segura J, Banegas JR, Martell-Claros N, Vigil L, Suarez C, Gomez-Marcos MÁ, Abad-Cardiel M, Vazquez S, de la Cruz JJ, Franklin SS, Ruilope LM, de la Sierra A. Association between urinary albumin excretion and both central and peripheral blood pressure in subjects with insulin resistance. J. Hypertens. 2013. 31: 103-108. FI: 4.222(Q1). PMID: 23137953. DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32835ac7b5.