Management support unit


The Scientific Directorate Support Unit at the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Hospital Universitario de La Princesa conducts organisation, planning and coordination of all support structures for the scientific area and for the Institute's researchers.

Its functions are:

  • Be a point of contact with the Institute for external personnel.
  • Coordinate the Institute's training.
  • Develop the Institute's quality policy.
  • Communicate and disseminate, in coordination with management, the Institute's research activities.


The Management Support Unit is located on the 9th floor of the Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, attached to the new Research Unit.

The organisation's general coordination falls directly to the Chief Scientific Officer of the Institute, Dr Javier Aspa Marco.

Final documents relating to the below are supervised by the research support unit:

  • Updated register of personnel assigned to the different research groups, referring to areas, lines and groups.
  • Bibliometric analysis of the scientific activity conducted at the Institute.



Dr Javier Aspa Marco


Dr Javier Aspa Marco

C/ Diego de León 62

28006 Madrid, Spain


Telephone: + 34 91 520 25 08